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API Limitations API限制

The browser environment and JavaScript are different from the native environments that C and C++ typically run in. These differences impose some limitations on how native APIs can be called and used. This section lists some of the more obvious limitations.


Networking 联网

Emscripten supports libc networking functions but you must limit yourself to asynchronous (non-blocking) operations. This is required because the underlying JavaScript networking functions are asynchronous.


File Systems 文件系统

Emscripten supports libc file system functions and C/C++ code can be written in the normal way.

Emscripten支持libc文件系统功能,并且可以按常规方式编写C / C ++代码。

Code run in a is sandboxed, and does not have direct access to the local file system. Instead, Emscripten creates a virtual file system that may be preloaded with data or linked to URLs for lazy loading. This affects when synchronous file system functions can be called and how a project is compiled. See the for more information.


Application Main Loop 应用程序主循环

The browser event model uses co-operative multitasking — each event has a “turn” to run, and must then return control to the browser event loop so that other events can be processed. A common cause of HTML pages hanging is JavaScript that does not complete and return control to the browser.


This can affect how an application using an infinite main loop is written. See for more information.


Other APIs 其他API

Support for other portable C/C++ code is fairly comprehensive.

对其他可移植C / C ++代码的支持相当全面。


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