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Cyber-security can be defined as the process of defending cyberspace from assault, abuse, harm, and economic espionage. Inherent weaknesses in cyberspace might cause problems that can't permanently be fixed.

  • A strong cybersecurity strategy can help protect an organization or user from vicious assaults to access, modify, delete, destroy, or extort essential data from their systems.

  • Cybersecurity is also crucial for preventing attacks that aim to disable or impede the operation of a system or device.

  • Any firm faces a difficult task in maintaining cybersecurity in an ever-changing threat landscape. Traditional reactive methods, which concentrated resources on defending systems against wellknown threats while leaving lesser-known dangers undefended, are no longer adequate. To keep up with changing security threats, a more proactive and adaptable strategy is essential. Several wellknown cybersecurity advisory organizations can assist.

What is Information Security?

Information security requires more than simply preventing unauthorized access to data. The practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, interruption, alteration, inspection, recording, or destruction of data is known as information security.

  • There are two types of information: physical and electronic.Information can be anything from your personal information to your social media profile, cell phone data, biometrics, and so on.

  • Information Security encompasses many academic topics, including cryptography, mobile computing, cyber forensics, and online social media.

  • The primary goal of information security is to balance the protection of data's confidentiality, integrity, and availability (also known as the CIA triad) while focusing on effective policy execution, all without compromising organization productivity. This is generally accomplished through a structured risk management process that includes the following steps −

    • Identifying information and related assets, as well as potential threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts;

    • 评估风险并实施风险缓解策略;

    • 决定如何处理或处理风险,例如是否避免、减轻、分担或接受风险;选择或创建适当的安全控制措施,并在需要降低风险时实施;

  • 信息安全措施监控活动并根据需要进行修改以处理任何困难、变化或改进机会。


下表突出显示了网络安全和信息安全之间的主要区别 -

Cyber security is implemented on the network through which information data transfers occur—and because it primarily deals with securing information over the Internet.信息安全涉及保护通过或不通过 Internet 传输的数据,因此信息安全实施不限于网络。
Cyber security is the process of safeguarding information and data transmitted over the internet against unauthorized access, hacking, and theft.信息安全与防止非法访问、评估、更改或删除数据和信息系统有关。它类似于数据安全,它与防止数据被盗或黑客攻击有关。
Cyber-attacks and various types of Trojans and virus attacks are the most common cyber security threats.信息安全涵盖所有类型的数据线程。
Cyber security professionals deal with advanced persistent threats that use the most up-to-date network data transmission, such as bank transactions, online shopping, phishing, baiting, data breaches, and other monetary and non-monetary transactions.信息安全专家是数据安全的基石,与他们联系的安全专业人员在处理风险之前优先考虑资源。
The primary concern in cyber security is protecting a company's information and security technologies (IST) from unwanted digital access.信息安全是指保护公司的信息资产免受因处理不当而导致的盗窃、非法访问或数据丢失等威胁。

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