使用 SciPy 库查找方阵的逆矩阵
SciPy 库有 scipy. 求方阵逆的函数。让我们了解如何使用此函数来计算矩阵的逆 -linalg.inv()
2 x 2 矩阵的逆矩阵
#Importing the scipy packageimport scipy.linalg#Importing the numpy packageimport numpy as np#Declaring the numpy array (Square Matrix)A = np.array([[3, 3.5],[3.2, 3.6]])#Passing the values to scipy.linalg.inv() functionM = scipy.linalg.inv(A)#Printing the resultprint('Inverse of \n{} \n is {}'.format(A,M))
Inverse of[[3. 3.5] [3.2 3.6]]is [[-9. 8.75] [ 8. -7.5 ]]
3 x 3 矩阵的逆矩阵
import scipy import numpy as np A = np.array([[2,1,-2],[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]) M = scipy.linalg.inv(A)print('Inverse of \n{} \n is {}'.format(A,M))
Inverse of[[ 2 1 -2][ 1 0 0][ 0 1 0]]is [[ 0. 1. 0. ][ 0. -0. 1. ][-0.5 1. 0.5]]