阅读 6



1、The Beginning of Our Love

When I first met him, I called him “the tall guy in the corner”. But as we started talking and getting to know each other better, he became my “sunshine on a cloudy day”. With his kindness and sense of humor, he quickly captured my heart.

As our relationship progressed, I came up with many new ways to call him. Sometimes I would call him “my shining armor”, because he always made me feel safe and protected. Other times, I would call him “my prince charming” or “my knight in shining armor”, reminding myself how lucky I was to have found someone so wonderful.

But there was one nickname that stuck more than any other – “my soulmate”. It felt like we were meant to be together, and calling him that reminded us both of how much we loved each other.

2、Tying the Knot: Wedding Bells Ringing

As we prepared to get married, I began to call him “my future husband” every chance I got. It was exciting to think about spending the rest of our lives together, and the title filled me with happiness.

On our wedding day, I called him “my handsome groom” as we exchanged vows in front of all our friends and family. It was a magical moment that would stay with me forever.

After we returned from our honeymoon, I started calling him by a new name – “my better half”. We were finally married, and it felt like we had completed each other in every way possible.

3、Welcoming Our First Child

A few years into our marriage, we decided to have a baby. During pregnancy, I began to call my husband “dad-to-be”. He took on this new role with such enthusiasm and joy, it made my heart swell with love for him.

When our son was born, I switched to calling him “daddy”. Seeing him hold our child and care for him so tenderly was inspiring, and I knew he would be an amazing father.

As our child grew up, we came up with many fun ways to refer to my husband. Sometimes we would call him “the tickle monster”, because he loved to play with our son and make him laugh. Other times, we would call him “coach”, because he spent countless hours coaching our son’s sports teams and cheering him on at games.

4、Growing Old Together: A Love That Lasts

We’ve been together for many years now, but my love for him has only grown stronger. I still call him “my best friend”, because that’s what he is – someone who knows everything about me and loves me anyway.

I also call him “my partner in crime”, because we’ve shared so many adventures and experiences over the years. Whether we’re exploring a new city or just lounging on the couch, I know that life is always better when he’s by my side.

And of course, there are still times when I call him “my love”, because at the end of the day, that’s what he truly is – the love of my life and the person I want to grow old with. No matter how many years go by, he will always be my favorite way to say “husband”.


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